One-on-one means we completely focus on you and your personal goals.Performance Coaching
For individuals in high pressure, results-orientated environments like elite sport, performing arts or the workplace. We work with ambitious, successful people every day. Discretion is assured.
Consults involve a needs analysis and psychological assessment to develop a customised Psychological Skills Training (PST) programme, similar to an exercise programme, but for the mind. The cognitive, emotional and behavioural strategies that you will learn will give you a refreshed sense of purpose. They will be equally helpful towards imminent goals, as well as lifelong mind health.
For athletes in particular, we get involved in your training and competition routine. Observation and behavioural change plays a vital role in training the mind to help the body perform.
Learn psychological skills and strategies to become an impressive performer.
Mental Note:
Tick the boxes. Create your story.Health & Well-being
Anyone can suffer from poor mental health. Your overall health is our priority. While we excel at supporting the pursuit of high performance, we are holistic in our approach.

Your aspiration to being your best-self may sometimes be about reshaping your personal life. Experiencing depression, anxiety, an eating disorder, an injury or illness or feeling low in self-esteem, even leaning on drugs or alcohol are human conditions. No one is perfect. As psychologists we are committed to supporting you through events that have become an obstacle to the life you want. ‘Perfectionism’ might even be a necessary evil you experience as a high-performer. We are about releasing whatever holds you back.
We’ve had excellent results working collaboratively with other health practitioners such as physiotherapists, sports physicians, doctors, and dietitians. We consider managing mental health and well-being, and the path towards a better you very important. We want you on the front foot with nothing holding you back.
Mental Note:
Get back on track. Feel more like you.Injury Rehabilitation
One never aims to become injured, and so if it happens, it can really take its toll on plans and headspace. Getting your head around how to cope and keep going forward isn’t something you need to do alone. The associated pain is often not just isolated to the physical injury. We understand the struggle.
It’s an opportune time to work on a variety of psychological skills and strategies to help you through your rehabilitation and return to play. Plus, it’s often the case that being injured gives you a chance explore things that you don’t get around to with a full training and competition load.
Work with us to plan your recovery. Recovering with a clear purpose can significantly improve the speed towards the best version of you.
Mental Note:
Don't suffer in silence, ask for help.Transitions
Changes to what your ‘normal’ is, can have unanticipated effects on how you function, particularly if there’s uncertainty and fear about what may happen after curtain close. If you have chosen to change, by way of retirement, or progression to a new role, it can be beneficial to leave no stone unturned in your mental game plan.
If you have been subjected to ‘changing your normal’ either via injury or unexpected events, the blow can knock you for six. Grief, regret and anxiety are often associated with change. If the change is beyond your control, add anger and frustration.
We’ve worked with many others in similar circumstance as you. We know that developing your plan for change together results in a higher chance that you’ll reflect on your experiences to-date, learn and transfer these learnings to your next adventure.
We will help you map your journey forward. Take control of the transition, and make it work for you.