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How to Make Success out of Failure Mental Notes

June 22nd, 2014

Football player Mia Hamm is often credited with the quote, “Success breeds success”.  On most occasions this principle is seen to be true.  If you are successful, you begin to think more confidently, feel more confident, and perform more confidently, resulting in increased likelihood of success, which makes you think more confidently…and so on. But […]

What Will You Learn? Psychological skills, strategies, and characteristics targeted when working with a sport and performance psychologist at Mental Notes Dr Andrea Furst

March 6th, 2014

What do we do? One thing we do is we teach psychological skills and strategies to assist and optimise people’s performance.  This skills and strategies help to build psychological characteristics associated with success, health, and happiness! When each of the psychologists was asked to put a list together of the ‘top ten skills they most […]

Unite in the Quest for Success! Mental Notes

February 10th, 2014

Watching the Australian cricket team take a clean sweep over England in the recent Ashes series I couldn’t help but notice some impressive team dynamics.  In the field players would support each other with hi-fives or pats on the back regularly (almost after every ball).  There were great celebrations at every wicket.  At the crease […]

Looking for a Sport Psychologist in Singapore? Mental Notes

January 31st, 2014

If you are looking for a sport psychologist to work with in Singapore, call Singapore Sports Medicine Centre on 6737 1000 and they will be able to book you an appointment with Dr Jay-Lee Nair! Singapore Sports Medicine Centre provides a variety of collaborative sports medicine services in the same location, which is truly unique […]

Looking for a Sport Psychologist on the Gold Coast, Queensland – Australia? Mental Notes

If you are looking for a sport psychologist to work with on the Gold Coast, call Allsports Physiotherapy & Sports Medicine on 5561 1810 and they will be able to book you an appointment with us! Allsports Physiotherapy & Sports Medicine is the home to one of the board members, Dr Kerrie Evans, of the World Scientific […]

Focused Connection to Your Goals Dr Jay-Lee Nair

January 6th, 2014

Working toward your long-term goal with determination involves learning the art of “fully-focusing” on your daily tasks, the uninterrupted connection between two things: You and your directed action toward reaching your goals. When you are focused in your training as an athlete, or in performing your daily assignments as a business professional, you are totally […]

It’s Allowed… Dr Andrea Furst

March 14th, 2013

Let’s get one thing straight I am passionate about sport, so I have no hesitation in declaring upfront that this little diatribe as a passion piece written by a professional who spends her life working with and for the sports industry. I want the sports industry in Australia to stick around and I want Australia […]

Success is Hard Work Matt Ahlberg

February 11th, 2013

Success is a concept with a variety of definitions for people depending on what they are trying to achieve at a given point in their lives. Success is not something that can be easily defined because it means something different to every person who aspires towards it. For some, success is about outcomes. How much […]

How Does Emotional Intelligence Assist Performance? Mental Notes

October 11th, 2011

Higher levels of Emotional Intelligence (E.I.) have been associated with superior performance by teams in business for some time and various coaching programs have been aimed at developing skills and abilities in this area.  Whilst E.I. has been thought to have a similarly positive impact in sport, the empirical evidence to support this has been […]

Just Do It! Matt Ahlberg

July 15th, 2011

This slogan from the famous sporting goods manufacturer, Nike, has become recognized worldwide.  Apart from its marketing appeal it is worth looking further into its sentiment and adopting its meaning. At Mental Notes Consulting we constantly talk about the ‘right’ state of mind to perform at your peak.  Many people assume that this means that […]