
We share insights because we believe in ‘paying it forward’.

Knowledge is valuable, and we’re in the business of bettering people. You’re welcome to tap into what we know and experience as professionals. Join the conversation with us. Share, educate and be better.

The ‘Big Moment’ Mindset Mental Notes

October 1st, 2015

It’s grand final week here in Australia, a great opportunity to see if the best performers throughout the year can complete one last performance in what is an environment unlike anything else they have experienced during the regular season. There are no more second chances and no additional opportunities to redeem themselves the following week. Everyone […]

Train Your Brain Like You Train Your Body Dr Andrea Furst

August 13th, 2015

Train your brain like you train your body. This is not a new piece of advice nor is it particularly sexy, but it has merit when it comes to getting your brain ready to perform when it counts. However, training your brain is something to avoid getting blazé about given the increasing body of knowledge […]

Leading from the Front: Leadership tips from the sporting field Mental Notes

March 18th, 2015

In my experience, there are two types of people – those who want to succeed and those who hope to succeed.  Over the years, a lot of athletes have started our work together thinking they don’t need to work on the mental side of their game, hoping that it will happen, only to realise that they […]

Train Your Brain Mental Notes

December 29th, 2014

One of my favourite sayings is, “If you can train your body you can train your brain.”  For me, this phrase sums up what we do as sport psychologists.  It was once believed that the brain could not be trained or changed; in other words, you were stuck with the brain you were born with. […]

To Measure or Not to Measure: Using psychological assessment in sport Dr Andrea Furst

December 5th, 2014

As mentioned in an earlier blog, I attended The Sport Performance Summit in mid November in London.  One of the workshops that I attended focused on the relevance and use of psychological assessments in sport. Whilst there is definitely not a ‘one size fits all approach’ it’s worth debating the use and relevance of psychological […]

Articulate Value-Driven Behaviours for Elite Team Performance Dr Andrea Furst

November 16th, 2014

I attended The Sport Performance Summit in London at the Emirates Stadium last week and over the two days there were many pieces of information that have stimulated new thought and action as well as information that consolidated our current thought and action. Many of the attendees and content presenters were members of the ‘team […]

Support Required! Dr Andrea Furst

November 2nd, 2014

Not enough has been written by those in the sports industry (me included) about the support that is required for all of us who support the athletes to perform at their best on and off the track.  Sport psychologists tend to work primarily with the athlete directly, and therefore the marketing of sport psychology services […]

Lasting the Distance Mental Notes

October 15th, 2014

We have witnessed a number of incredible feats of courage and outstanding performance over the past few weeks with athletes overcoming incredible odds to achieve at the pinnacle of their sport.  One highlight was Dennis Kimetto’s world record at the Berlin Marathon and the toughness shown as always, throughout both the AFL and NRL finals […]

How to Make Success out of Failure Mental Notes

June 22nd, 2014

Football player Mia Hamm is often credited with the quote, “Success breeds success”.  On most occasions this principle is seen to be true.  If you are successful, you begin to think more confidently, feel more confident, and perform more confidently, resulting in increased likelihood of success, which makes you think more confidently…and so on. But […]

Unite in the Quest for Success! Mental Notes

February 10th, 2014

Watching the Australian cricket team take a clean sweep over England in the recent Ashes series I couldn’t help but notice some impressive team dynamics.  In the field players would support each other with hi-fives or pats on the back regularly (almost after every ball).  There were great celebrations at every wicket.  At the crease […]