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Don’t Crack Under Pressure: The psychology behind the phenomenon of choking Dr Jay-Lee Nair

July 19th, 2017

Choking under pressure is a phenomenon that every player has experienced but few are willing to explore their personal episodes of choking and analyse the causes of this adverse and costly reaction to perceived pressure. Most players would rather erase such experiences from their mind, and hope it never happens again. But recognising your patterns […]

The #1 Mental Skill you Need to Make it on Tour Dr Jay-Lee Nair

December 20th, 2016

As a psychologist to amateur and professional players, part of my day job involves walking the course analysing their habits and response patterns to situations during tournaments. Caddies would agree that you can see a lot as a quiet observer, the things that player’s themselves under-estimate as the real causes of a great day on […]

The Australian International School gets into the Zone with Mental Notes Mental Notes

December 13th, 2016

The Athlete Development Program (ADP) at the Australian International School (AIS) is one-of-a-kind in Singapore schools, offering student-athletes the opportunity to train and be coached on a path to university scholarships and elite level sport. This semester, the ADP students added a new form of training to their repertoire, making further strides through sport psychology […]

Why Your Child is Not Thriving and How to Turn it Around Dr Jay-Lee Nair

October 14th, 2016

Social research in Asia suggests that our kids are under more pressure than ever, and the negative consequences are very real. A recent prospectus study of Hong Kong schools anxiety revealed that 3 in 10 students in secondary school and 1 in 5 primary school aged children suffer from anxiety. One of the most underestimated […]

Building and Practicing Mental Toughness from a CrossFit Champion’s Perspective Dr Jay-Lee Nair

October 9th, 2016

To be a formidable competitor as a CrossFit athlete, dedicated physical preparation is a must, but mental preparation ensures you are truly ready to deal with the adversity that CrossFit delivers. For an in depth look into the practice of mental toughness in this extraordinary sport, I met up with 2015’s “Fittest in Singapore” (by […]

A Behind the Scenes Look at Mentally Preparing for the Olympics Dr Jay-Lee Nair

September 4th, 2016

The mental toughness training athletes undergo before reaching the Olympic stage is not typically well documented or understood. In this article, I will provide a behind the scenes look at the psychological preparation athletes go through before the biggest event in sport. For the past year, I have had the opportunity to work as the […]

The Power of an Hour Dr Jay-Lee Nair

May 20th, 2016

What is it? The power of an hour refers to a study technique for student-athletes that develops discipline in managing common distractions and creates fearsome focus to strengthen your working memory. The benefits 1. Focus & discipline The art of ignoring distractions when studying often comes down to being able to control the compulsive urge to respond to […]

Sleep: Your Secret Weapon Mental Notes

May 19th, 2016

Want to gain an extra edge over your competitors?  Want to perform better?  Then you need to get more sleep! Sleep is a powerful and often underestimated tool that can lead to noticeable changes in performance. Unfortunately, as a society we value not sleeping and celebrate those who can do a lot of work on […]

The ‘A Game’ Performance Mindset Guide Mental Notes

April 22nd, 2016

What is it? ‘A Game’ performance mindset is the state of mind you have when you perform at your best. Terms that you may have heard referring to this mindset include ‘bubble’, ‘zone’, ‘ideal performance state’, or even ‘flow’. It’s a set of thoughts, feelings, and behaviours that promote you to consistently compete at your […]

The Path to Greatness Mental Notes

March 27th, 2016

Many golfers have an incredible ability to analyse situations, but many use their analytic skills for evil rather than good. I see this phenomenon over and over again with golfers who come to see me. When they have performed below their potential and shot a high score they can tell me in excruciating detail, shot […]