We share insights because we believe in ‘paying it forward’.Knowledge is valuable, and we’re in the business of bettering people. You’re welcome to tap into what we know and experience as professionals. Join the conversation with us. Share, educate and be better.
June 15th, 2011
Do you want to be an iconoclast? Do you know what an iconoclast is? Do you want to do something that others say can’t be done? Because if you do, you are an iconoclast or are at least aspiring to be iconoclastic. Iconoclast by Gregory Berns is a page-turning tour de force that (unintentionally) cheekily […]
May 9th, 2011
Our role as a sport psychologist is about helping individuals change aspects of their lives they want to see change in. We specialise in helping athletes of various ages and abilities in different sports to develop and integrate a range of mental skills to perform at their best on a consistent basis. However, there is […]
March 7th, 2011
Book Review: If Better Is Possible by John Buchanan Given that the ICC Cricket World Cup 2011 is in full swing, it is quite fitting for a review of a book written by a successful World Cup cricket coach. John Buchanan’s book is a simple and matter-of-fact account of his years as the coach of […]
March 6th, 2011
Every moment of every day we make choices. We choose whether to get up when the alarm goes off or hit the snooze button. We choose which path to take to get to work or training. We choose what to eat for lunch and when. We choose how hard we work/train. Many of these choices […]
February 10th, 2011
First published in 1946, Man’s Search for Meaning by Vicktor E. Frankl has now sold over three million copies worldwide. In his bestseller, Frankl details his experiences in the concentration camp during World War II and how his observations of prisoners’ reactions (including his own) lead to the ground breaking theory, logotherapy. This theory helped […]
January 15th, 2011
The entire world has been seeing some amazing images and hearing heart-wrenching stories coming from Queensland in the last few days. It is likely that the tragic statistics will increase but it also very likely that the amazing and heroic stories will continue to be written. When the waters finally recede there will be a […]
December 4th, 2010
One of the hardest aspects of sport psychology is actually ‘doing it’.. By this I mean, dedicating the time and energy to practicing the psychological skills that you have learnt working with your sport psychologist and coach. Mental Notes Consulting aims to provide athletes, coaches, and parents the resources to help make the integration of […]
December 1st, 2010
Josh Watson provides some valuable insights in his article – Life after Podium – in December’s edition of Inside Sport. It is an interesting account of the trials and tribulations of life as an elite athlete. In particular, he details the decline of his health and well-being post-swimming. The area of life after sport and […]
November 23rd, 2010
Here are some of the many lessons from the 4th Annual Coach Education Conference – Evolution of the Athlete – in Brisbane. It was a great opportunity to hear from leading authorities in sports coaching and learn from their experiences… One of the keynote speakers at the conference was Ewen McKenzie who is the Head […]
- Athlete Performance Enhancement
- Health & Well-being
- Injury Rehabilitation
- Insight
- Performance Coaching
- Team & Group Dynamics
October 22nd, 2010
Working within Mental Notes Consulting has many benefits! One of which is the teamwork that exists between the consultants. As we have a number of consultants working in different areas we are able to meet and discuss various ideas and opinions, and as a result, improve our practice. We use this process to try and […]